Purchasing Palia Coins

Note: There is a known issue with purchasing Palia Coins at the moment. If you need further assistance with your purchase, kindly contact Player Support.

Where can I purchase Palia Coins?

Palia coins can only be purchased when you log in to the game. This should be available in the currency store. You can purchase Palia coins by clicking on the "+" sign located at the upper right corner of the Premium Store.

How to go to the Premium Store?

There are two ways to go to the premium store, either by going directly to the premium store icon or by visiting Jel’s shop.

Via Premium Store Icon

  1. Login to the game

  2. Once you’ve logged in, you can press “I” to bring up your inventory

  3. Once the inventory is open, look for the “Premium Store” icon in the upper right-hand corner.

  1. Left-click on it, and it should show you to the premium store page!

Via Jel’s Shop

1. Login to the game

2. Wait for your character to load in your home plot. (If your character is loaded in a different place, proceed with step 4)

3. Exit to your home plot and proceed to go to Kilima

4. Find Jel’s store located inside the Kilima village

5. Enter Jel’s store and go to the counter. Click “F” to interact with the cash register

6. The Premium Store page should pop up!

How to go to the currency store from the Premium Store page?

  1. Click on the "Store" icon to be brought to the "Featured" page. Click on the “+” sign in the upper right-hand corner to access the "Currency Store."

  2. The Currency Store is where you can select the Palia Coin amount that you'd like to purchase.

Note: Coin amounts and pricing will change based on your countries'/regions' local currency. If we don't offer your local currency, prices will show in USD.

  1. After selecting the amount, you will be prompted to enter your payment details. Fill in the necessary information

  2. If there is a tick box that requires you to agree to the teams and services, please read first before you agree.

  3. Click on "Pay"

  4. The system will notify you if the purchase was a success. Your Palia Coins should immediately be applied to your account. If in any case, it did not automatically appear, you can try to:

    • Exit on the checkout page and re-open your premium store

    • Restart the game

    • Wait for 30 minutes

    • Check your email to see if a receipt was sent

If you still haven’t received your Palia coins and you got charged, contact Player Support for assistance

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