Flowers and Trees FAQ

On this article we will be discussing some need to know facts about the new decorative flowers as well as a few changes that Palia has made to the tree planting mechanics. Hopefully, this will make it easier for old and new players alike in learning how to fully utilize these new features to make their houses an even cozier place to live in. 

How does planting Flowers and Trees work?

  • Seeds for flowers and trees can be planted at your home plot.
  • Once planted the seeds can be watered and will eventually undergo different stages of growth.
Growth Stages
Flowers seed > flower 
Trees seed > sapling > young tree > adult tree > mature tree


  • Remember to water your plants daily or their growth will be delayed!
  • Plant development updates daily at 6AM Palian time. 

F&T 9.png

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Is there a level or mission I have to do before this is available to me?

  • There is no level requirement or pre-requisite mission that you need to accomplish. You can immediately start gathering seeds as soon as you're in the game.

Where can I get the seeds?

  • Seeds for flowers are dropped by chance when you catch bugs/insects.
    - Insects from Kilima drop different types of flowers compared to those found in Bahari. So if you want to collect all types of flowers, you'd need to catch insects from both areas

  • Seeds for trees are dropped by chance when you chop down trees.   
    - Seeds collected from trees basically grow into the same type of tree that you chopped down

Where can I get Flow infused trees? 

  • If you complete the Temple of Roots questline and Earth bundles that were release in Patch 178, you will be awarded a Galdur statue as a reward for your achievements. This statue has a 25% chance of producing a "Flow" infused see every real time day. You can then grow and use that seed to create more.   

Where can I plant my seeds?

  • Both flowers and trees can be planted on areas of land that you have unlocked on your home plot. Use writs from city hall to unlock more land. 

F&T 11.png

Is there a limit to how many I can plant?

  • Flowers have a maximum capacity of 500 seeds per housing plot. Please note as well that flowers also count towards the 3000 asset limit on each plot. That means if you have 500 planted flowers, you only have 2500 remaining slots left for other furniture and decor items.
  • Trees on the other can exceed more than 500 but they still count towards the 3000 asset limit.  So you can plant as many trees as you want as long as they don't exceed the limit of assets on your plot. 

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What can I  do with my fully-grown plants?

  • Fully grown flowers and trees will eventually produce (1) seed which you can collect.
  • Take note that both fully-grown flowers and trees will only produce (1) seed per plant in their lifetime.

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Can I move my flowers/trees to a new spot?

  • Yes, you can move your plants. You can either go into Build/Grid mode or housing plot overhead view and then select the flowers/trees that you want to move.
  • If you want to transfer fully grown plants into other housing plots, you can place them in your character inventory and replant them once you've switched to a different housing plot.

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Where can we acquire flower seeds for planting at home plot? 

  • The seeds are dropped at random when doing bug catching and depending on what type of bug, you can collect different types of seeds 



How to obtain

Gardenia Flower.pngGardenia

This lovely flower is often associated with luck in the Majiri culture. Will planting gardenias bring you good luck? The only way to find out is to plant more.

Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common

Insect: Common Blue Butterfly
Blue Hydrangea Flower.pngBlue Hydrangea Feeling blue? This gorgeous hydrangea will be enough to brighten up your day.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Duskwing Butterfly

Rose Flower.png

Roses are the official flower of the Akwinduu royal family. In the old days, commoners were not even allowed to grow these precious blossoms.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Kilima Night Moth
Anemone Flower.pngAnemone Thought to bring protection against evil, this flower is a favorite of the cryptid council.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Garden Mantis
Grimalkintail Flower.pngGimalkintail Despite its name, this flower is not actually the tail of a Grimalkin.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Common Field Cricket
Tulip Flower.png
How many lips does this tulip have? None, it's just a flower...
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Garden Leafhopper
Chapaatail Flower.pngChapaatail
Despite its name, this flower is not the tail of a chapaa.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Brushtail Dragonfly
Lavender Flower.pngLavender
If you love the sight of boundless purple fields, you'll love this lavender. If not, it might not be for you.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Garden Millipede
Forsythia Flower.pngForsythia
No one knows who this "Sythia" is supposed to be, but it doesn't matter, this forsythia flower is actually for everybody!
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Spotted Stinkbug
Tiger Lily Flower.pngTiger Lily
Don't worry, this flower can't hurt you. It's more lily than tiger.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Proudhorned Stag Beetle
Trillium Flower.png
Want to declare your love for someone? There's nothing better than trillions of trillium flowers!
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Bahari Bee
Hemitomes Flower.png
This odd flower gets its nutrients from fungi that live inside it. The leaves are just decoration.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Common Bark Cicada
Cave Cap Flower.png
Cave Cap
The cave cap is actually a mushroom, but you could probably still use them in a bouquet.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Cerulean Cicada
Baharricenia Flower.png
This trumpet pitcher flower grows on beaches in Bahari, digesting young crabs for nutrients.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Bahari Crab
Bluebell Flower.png
These bluebell flowers are sure to take away your blues. Listen closely, and you may even hear them chime!
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Spineshell Crab
Veronica Flower.png
What's better than one flower? A veronica plant that produces copious little flowers!
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Garden Snail
Forget-Me-Not Flower.png
You should grow a forget-me-not for everything you need to remember! Just don't forget where you planted it.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Garden Ladybug
Bahari Nettle Flower.png
Bahari Nettle
Test your mettle against this nettle. Its leaves may sting to the touch, but they make a soothing tea.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Paper Lantern Bug
Fiddlefrond Flower.png
The Fiddlefrond is popular with foragers since its curly top makes a delicious salad.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Inky Dragonfly
Datura Flower.png
These flowers can be poisonous, but they are said to gain magical properties when both moons are full.
Type: Gatherable
Rarity: Common
Insect: Lunar Fairy Moth

Have fun!

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